Man and woman standing back to backMan and woman standing back to back

Data clean rooms to share insights, not data

Collaborate with partners on first-party data and other sensitive datasets to uncover valuable insights. Run proprietary models and advanced analytics — without sharing anything.

Secure collaboration in the Switzerland of data

Join and analyze data with partners in secure data clean rooms. Backed by advanced privacy technologies like confidential computing, your data and your models are never accessible by any other party, not even Decentriq.

Safely use sensitive data while it stays confidential and encrypted
Partner across silos with tech-enforced compliance and privacy
Stay in flow with intuitive workflows even for advanced analytics
Cityscae with Decentriq decorative tile overlay

Better targeting through better quality data

Make reliance on third-party cookies a thing of the past. Use the best available data to generate audiences with a high likelihood to convert.

Screenshot of a lookalike clean room highlighting the match rate between a brand's and a publisher's  audience, and insights about their shared users.

Boost campaign effectiveness beyond walled gardens


Higher click-through rate


Higher page
views rate


Lower cost
per views


Tap into real-world data for advances in patient care

Work across organizational silos to securely and compliantly analyze sensitive patient data. Develop new innovations for treatment, diagnostics and more.

Your industry

Data partnerships for unlimited possibilities

From banking to insurance to defense, our clean rooms unlock the world’s most sensitive data for any kind of data collaboration.

We now have a solution in hand that shows us in detail where to reach and inspire potential IKEA customers on willhaben inventory — even where we wouldn’t have expected to look for them.

John Oakley, Country Marketing Manager, IKEA Austria

The partnership with Decentriq is an important milestone for us and our customers in a future without third-party cookies in digital marketing. Next to classic media use cases like planning, activation and measurement, we can bring different customers together to collaborate on brand new applications of first-party data — while they retain absolute control over their own datasets.

Sven Wegholz, Executive Director Data Strategy, Publicis Media

3rd party cookies have underpinned internet advertising for decades. With its deprecation, publishers and brands have to rethink entirely new ways to reach audiences in a privacy-first world. With Decentriq and confidential computing, Goldbach enables a trust layer, allowing brands to onboard their 1st party data without compliance risks.

Jochen Witte, CTO, Goldbach Group AG

Decentriq enables a whole new perspective on how we can innovate with data that wasn't possible before.

Alice Dal Fuoco, Head of Innovation, Postfinance

Decentriq's privacy preserving analytics provide a valuable tool in defending supply chains without compromising on sensitive data or trade secrets.

Chris Inglis, National Cyber Director of the United States, Biden administration

Discover the latest on data clean rooms

Learn how you can get more value from your sensitive data through confidential data collaboration.

Do more with sensitive data

Secure collaboration could be the key to unlocking value from data you thought was too sensitive to use. Contact us today to learn more or schedule a demo.